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Firran a’ Ròm a’sinn is one of the two official national anthems of the nation of Rom in the Seafaring Confederation. The other national anthem is Amr a'bhais.

The song is in Romic.


The song was written by the poet Emma NicLeòid in 1902 and is a lament about how the people of Rom were mass-emigrating from the islands to the mainland at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. It was declared one of Rom's official national anthems by an Act of Parliament in 1963.


Màd shiòs ag’an gleann-dtòibh
Mi chòilleadh mhein seànn
O’sgòb duilleachan òig
Bh’nu thùigh th’agam
’S mi theòrrag a’dhreis
Ag’an amr bhe dranndhag
“Ò shòrsea, ò shòrsea
À’n firran a’ Ròm”.

“Th’mhorrain a’bhliàdhnan
Ò-m’fhàch an lùg a’gheileag
Ag gcòrphan n’fhirran lùid
Ag sùlleannan làn le dùicheas
M’fhàch àithe t-a’ritheast
I n-aisleaigan sàd a’mi
Ò shòrsea, ò shòrsea
À’n firran a’ Ròm”.

“Màd mi chàilleag òige
Nuar sinn seach fhàir ’n eòllannan
Dùnnag i’n dTirnan-Ìse
I’n ruìgean a’ Saochghe
Ach m’àirrag ògeainn
A’n ghleannan ’s bheantannan
Ò shòrsea, ò shòrsea
À’n firran a’ Ròm”.

“M’shùibheal an-seò t-an’dràste
Marr an chàilleag òige tha mi
Ag’uin eòllann, uaignidh
Rìs’uin gleann-ùisge
’S an-seò mi tàmh
L’an làimha làn a’dhuilleachan
Ò shòrsea, ò shòrsea
À’n firran a’ Ròm”.

It was down by the glennside
I met an old woman
A’plucking young leaves
She didn’t know I was there
And I listened a while
To the song she hummed
“Oh freedom, oh freedom
For the Romic men”.

“It is many years
Since I saw the moonlight
On strong bodies of men
On eyes full with hope
I see them again
In my sad dreams
Oh freedom, oh freedom
For the Romic men”.

“I was a young girl
We left the islands
I lived in the Lowlands
In the fields of Saxony
But I always thought
Of the glens and the mountains
Oh freedom, oh freedom
For the Romic men”.

“I walk here now
Like the young girl I was
On this island, lonely
Next to this glen-water
And here I remain
With hands full of leaves
Oh freedom, oh freedom
For the Romic men”.
