--Bona al la encycla lorica.
- si (if)
- is (then)
- sis (else)
- si por (for)
- si ti (while) (as long as)
- sis ti (as soon as)
- a (and - unspecific)
- o (or - unspecific)
- de (of) (possession) (categorization)
- ae or a ae (and - inclusive) (but) (yet) (also)[1]
- au or a au (and - exclusive (logical intercept))[2]
- oae or o ae (or - inclusive (logical union))[3]
- oau or o au (or - exclusive or)[4]
- daea (group)[5]
- de daea (is part of) (categorization)[6]
- ↑ Combination of 'a' with '-ae'
- ↑ Combination of 'a' with '-au'
- ↑ Combination of 'o' with '-ae'
- ↑ Combination of 'o' with '-au'
- ↑ Combination of 'de' with 'ae'
- ↑ As in 'A is a member of B'; Combination of 'de' with 'dae'
- de (than)[1]
- -u (-er)[2]
- -eu (-est)[3]
- sta (same)
- desta or dessta (different)
- u de (more than)
- ...-u de... (more... than...)
- desin de (less than)
- desin... de... (less... than...)
- de... de... (as... as...)
- deau (just as)[4]
- deau... de... (just as... as...)[5]
- de u de (as much as)[6]
- desu (little; opposite of much)
- de desu de (as little as)
- u (much)[7]
- eu (most)[8]
- la ...-u (the more...) (the ...-er)[9]
- la ...-eu (the most...) (the ...-est)[10]
- ↑ 'de' has other meanings too
- ↑ attach to end of a normal word to comparative it
- ↑ attach to end of a normal word to superlative it
- ↑ Combination of 'de' and '-au'
- ↑ Combination of 'deau' and 'de... de...'
- ↑ Combination of 'de... de...' and '-u'
- ↑ Derivative of '-u'; standalone word
- ↑ Derivative of '-v'; standalone word
- ↑ Combination of 'la' and word with '-u' attached
- ↑ Combination of 'la' and word with '-v' attached