Constructed Worlds Wiki

Statistics for the planet Koneth[]

  • Mass: 8.012×1024 km (1.34 Earth masses)
  • Equitorial Radius: 7084.46 km (1.11 Earth radii)
  • Percentage surface covered by water: 86.47%
  • Total surface area (dry land): 85,333,816 km² (.573 times Earth's dry land area)
  • Gravity: 1.087 g
  • Solar day: 21hr, 47m, 16.7s
  • Solar year (Earth days): 372.578632
  • Solar year (Local days): 410.404744
  • Axial tilt: 20.176
  • Orbital Eccentricity: .0127856

Statistics for Koneth's moon[]

  • Mass: 5.874632×1022
  • Radius: 1483 km
  • Orbital Radius: 373,200 km
  • Orbital period (Earth days): 22.675685 days
  • Lunar period (Earth days): 24.145197 days
  • Lunar period (Konethian days): 26.596543 days
  • Tidal effect (relative to Earth's moon): .873687
  • Apparent size: 27' 19.3" (slightly smaller than Earth's moon)

Due to the lower mass of Koneth's moon, its tides are slightly lower than Earth's tides. Koneth's axial tilt is smaller than Earth's resulting in milder seasons.

However, not all is milder on Koneth than Earth. Koneth is more geologically active than Earth, possibly due to its larger mass and concomittant slower internal cooling. About 50 million years ago, a former supercontinent, Pankonethea, began to break up. At present, most of the planet's continents are still close to each other. However, not all the landmass of Koneth was involved in this supercontinent. A north-polar continent also existed at that time, and is currently migrating towards the equator, resulting in a unique ecology, as it was formerly nearly lifeless and has since been colonized by life from other parts of the globe.
