Constructed Worlds Wiki

Union of Everett[]

You never give up, do you? Ham Ham Time (User/Talk/World/WAT) 18:05, June 12, 2013 (UTC)

LOL! I gave up on you a long time ago. All I need is a neighbor to drive Usonia's story. Besides, every great hero needs a great villian (who is who depends on view). And don't tell me this isn't what you believe America is going turning into. Best to fight the nation you don't want to see, eh? The Hurian Database Wiki Vivaporius: "I don't need a slogan" 18:35, June 12, 2013 (UTC)


I like this country ... it's different, in a good way. Enclavehunter (talk) 23:32, June 12, 2013 (UTC)

Why thank you. I've been planning to make this nation for the past year, but didn't have the energy to go ahead with it. Hopefully I'll be able to make something out of it. The Hurian Database Wiki Vivaporius: "I don't need a slogan" 23:58, June 12, 2013 (UTC)

If you don't mind me asking. Since the currency of Usonia is basically a credit card (If I assume, correctly), wouldn't that affect the major banks based in the eastern United States, since no one would need to use their credit cards? Enclavehunter (talk) 02:51, June 14, 2013 (UTC)

It would. I plan to include a bit about how the government, aside from creating the credit for logical reasons, did so to weaken the Everetti economy and its grip over that of Usonia's. It would help insulate the Usonian economy from potential sanctions from Everett and maybe Europe. Tactical thinking my friend. The Hurian Database Wiki Vivaporius: "I don't need a slogan" 03:00, June 14, 2013 (UTC)

On another note, I'd assume Las Vegas maintained power during the recostruction of the energy grid with the demolition of old power plants and the blackouts, because of Hoover Dam and itself being a hydroelectric plant. Sorry if these little questions are getting annoying, I just like asking about the little stuff. Enclavehunter (talk) 05:14, June 14, 2013 (UTC)

It did maintain power, but did suffer a few blackouts as the energy suplly dipped as the government redirected the supply to other areas during the rebuilding of Hoover Dam. And please, ask as much as you like. :) The Hurian Database Wiki Vivaporius: "I don't need a slogan" 14:19, June 14, 2013 (UTC)
