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The Zildar (Dark Elves) or Trow are known for worshipping darker spirits, spirits that offered them power long ago, and continue to do so. However, this power, then and now, always comes at great cost.


Trow Spirits
Type Folk
Form Animism
Supreme Diety Y'athek'thind, The Father
Area 324K mi2
Believers 3M
Elduri None
Valduri Y'athek'thind the Father,

En'ess the Spider Queen,

Oulgeth the Scourging,

innumerable other spirits


Trow Helecan was the first to come across Y'athek'thind who offered him great power in exchange for his services. According to various Dark Priests and sagas sung about him, Trow accepted, and became "charred of skin, hair as white as the moon, and fury as great as the storm." His followers would accept the Father's "blessing" and form a powerful cult-like nation that brought about, or at least largely hastened and aided in, the end to the Eldar Empire.


Today the Trow worshop many dark spirits, offering them sacrifices or emotions to feed upon, while gaining power or making deals with these spirits. Most Trow serve a particular Valduri, in secret cults or organizations, performing secretive rituals to gain something from the spirits they serve. The most prominent and widely worshipped of these are Y'athek'thind the Father, most revered of all Trow spirits. He grants great powers to his followers and is served by many dark orders, the most infamous of these being the Brotherhood of Night. Other notable spirits include En'ess, the Spider Queen, and Oulgeth, the Scourging, who are worshipped at several shrines dotting Trow regions.
