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--Bona al la encycla lorica.

Notable words are marked in green.

Normal Words[]

  1. aedifica
    • aedifica (building) (edifice)
    • aedificylsepa (study of construction)
    • aedificar/aedificara (builder) (construction worker) (building developer)
  2. aia
    • aia (help)
    • aiar/aiara (helper) (rescuer) (aide) (assistant)
  3. aboda (abode) (living place) (ventricle)
  4. abysa (chasm) (abyss)
  5. acerba (bitter) (base)
  6. acesa
    • acesa (access)
    • acesar/acesara (gatekeeper) (guardian of the gate)
  7. acta
    • acta (action) (act) (active)
    • actara' (actor) (actress) (player)
  8. activa
    • activa (act)
    • activade (active) (activated)
    • activanaide (inactive)
    • activar/activara (activator)
    • activyn/activin (activation) (enabling)
  9. activata (activator) (initiator)
  10. acua
    • acua (water)
    • acuylsepa (hydrology)
    • acuylsphera (hydrosphere)
  11. ada (toward)
  12. adia
    • adia (front) (forward) (onward)
    • adiae (advance)
  13. adminstra
    • adminstra (administration) (administrated) (to administer)
    • adminstrar/adminstrara (administrator)
  14. admita (admit) (agree)
  15. ae
    • ae (power) (potency) (potential) (capability) - eg. 'ae annaide' = 'irresistable power'
    • aede (powerful) (potent) (capable) (strong)
    • aeyn/aen (being powerful) - eg. Tel Aen = 'that of being powerful'
    • aenaide (powerless) (helpless) (impotent) (weak)
  16. aegia
    • aegia (aegis) (vigilance) (watch) (sentry)
    • aegiar/aegiara (guard) (guardian) (bodyguard)
  17. aera (wind) (air) (gas)
  18. aerdria (wing)
  19. aerylsphera (atmosphere)
  20. al
    • al (other)
    • Refers to moieta in particular where it is used as a prefix ie. 'alcemia', otherwise use 'otra'
    • alcemia (alchemy) (alchemistry) (alchemical) - lit. 'al chemia', 'other chemistry'
    • alcemiade (alchemical) - lit. 'al chemia de', 'of other chemistry'
    • almata (almatter) - lit. 'al mata', 'other matter'
    • almateria (almaterial) - lit. 'al materia', 'other material'
  21. alaca (quick)
  22. alba (white)
  23. alga (some)
  24. alicua (aliquot)
  25. aloca (allot) (allocate) (to place)
  26. alosteria (allosteric) (effecting) (effective) (altering) (modifying)
  27. alta (tall)
  28. amia
    • amia (peace)
    • amiade (peaceful) (pacific)
    • amiae (to pacify) (to be at peace)
    • amiar (peacekeeper)
    • amiyn/amin (keeping peace) - eg. Tel Amin = 'that of keeping peace'
  29. amora
    • amora (loving) (love)
    • amorata (lover) (boyfriend) (girlfriend)
  30. an/ana
    • an/ana(to stop) (to cancel) (to limit) (to counter) (to negate)
    • ande (stopped) (cancelled) (limited) (countered) (negated) (dispelled) - lit. 'an de', 'of stop'
    • andae (stoppable) (cancelable) (limitable) (counterable) (negatable) (dispellable) - lit. 'an dae', 'of to stop'
    • annaide (unstopped) (unlimited) (uncountered) (unhindered) - lit. 'an nai de', 'not of stop'
    • annaidae (unstoppable) (unlimitable) (uncounterable) (unhinderable) - lit. 'an nai dae', 'not of to stop'
    • anyn (stopping)
    • anar/anara (stopper) (obstruction) (resistor) (resistance)
  31. ana (any)
  32. analia
    • analia (analysis)
    • analiae (to analyze)
  33. ancha (anchor)
  34. anchemia (anchemy) (anchemical) - def. physical/chemical processes between Asset and Tessa
  35. andra (male) (masculine) (manly) (disciplined)
  36. andrata (discipliner)
  37. anima (animal) (soul)
  38. antia
    • antia (delete) (remove) (eradicate) (erase) (exterminate)
    • antiaede (deleted) (removed) (eradicated) (erased) (exterminated)
    • antiae (to delete) (to remove) (to eradicate) (to erase)
  39. anua (year) (unit of time)
  40. apara (appearance) (appear)
  41. aplica (apply) (application) (cast) - as in to cast a spell
  42. ara (aura) (sensation) (feeling) (sense)
  43. arba (forest) (woods) (jungle)
  44. aria
    • aria (song)
    • ariadae (singable)
    • ariade (sung) - lit. 'aria de', 'of to sing'
    • ariae (to sing)
    • arianaide (unsung) - lit. 'aria nai de', 'not of to sing'
    • ariar/ariara (singer)
    • ariyn/arian (singing)
  45. arisia (launch) (arise) (rise)
  46. arma
    • arma (weapon)
    • armade (armed)
    • armanaide (unarmed)
    • armar/armara (soldier) (warrior) (man-at-arms) (weapon-wielder)
  47. armia (army)
  48. arta
    • arta (art) (artistry)
    • artae (to art) - meaning, to do art
    • artar/artara (artist)
  49. arteria (artery)
  50. artia
    • artia (skill) - eg. 'Tel Artia' = 'that of skill' - Appended after a noun to indicate 'the skill of' ie 'ariartia'
    • artiade (skilled) - lit. 'artia de', 'of skill'
    • artiae (to skill) - meaning, to practice a skill
    • artiar/artiara (expert)
    • artiyn/artian (practice of a skill) - eg. Tel Artian = 'that of skill practice'
  51. artifica (artifice) (artifact) (relic)
  52. aseta (Asset) - def. light matter plane
  53. asimila (assimilate)
  54. asta (star) - def. a celestial object
  55. astia
    • astia (aster) - def. functional group (a complex chemical)
    • astiamagia (astramancy) (celestiamancy) - def. magic that sees moieta
    • astiascripta (starscript) - def. chain of functional groups to generate a complicated effect
  56. astra (astrological) (celestial) (space)
  57. atla (atlas) (world) (worldwide)
  58. atoma (atom) (atomic)
  59. atona (atone) (atonement)
  60. atria (atrium) (forum) (entry way) (foyer)
  61. auda (bold) (reckless) (risque) (risky) (dare)
  62. audia
    • audia (auditory) (hear) (hearing)
    • audianai (deaf) (inaudible)
  63. auga (silver)
  64. aura
    • aura (effect) - def. enchantments
    • aurade (enchanted)
    • aurae (to enchant)
    • auraenai (to disenchant)
    • aurar/aurara (enchanter)
  65. auria
    • auria (gold)
    • auriade(golden) (gilded)
  66. auta (automatic) (self) (oneself)
  67. autafecta (autofect) - def. spell that casts subspells
  68. ava (ear)
  69. aventura
    • aventura (adventure)
    • aventurar/adventurara (adventurer) (wanderer)
  70. avia (bird)
  71. aviata (birdkeeper)
  72. ba (good) (well) (the good one) (to be good)
  73. basura (trash) (junk) (garbage) (landfill)
  74. beba (drinks) (drinking) (to drink)
  75. bebia (to water)
  76. bela
    • bela (war) (belligerent)
    • belar/belara (warrior)
  77. blanca (blank)
  78. bloca
    • bloca (block) (blocked) (to block, to obstruct)
    • blocar/blocara (opponent)
  79. boca (mouth, kiss)
  80. bona
    • bona (welcome) (good)
    • bonar/bonara (greeter) (welcomer) (receptionist)
  81. bosa (cow)
  82. brila
    • brila (bright)
    • brilanai (shady) (darkened) (dim)
  83. bula (send a bull) (to send a message)
  84. bulata (messenger)
  85. burea (bureaucracy) (to bureaucratize)
  86. bureata (bureaucrat)
  87. buta (four)
  88. ca
    • ca (heat) (energy)
    • 'cade (charged) (energized) (prepared) (ready)
    • canaide (uncharged) (unprepared) (not ready)
    • cae (to energize) (to charge)
    • car/cara (charger)
  89. cabina (cabinet)
  90. cania (dog)
  91. caniata (dogkeeper)
  92. cansa (tired)
  93. cardina (cardinal) (named)
  94. capita (head) (capital)
  95. capta
    • capta (capture)
    • captade (captured) (imprisoned) (jail)
    • captar/captara (jailor) (captor)
  96. casa (case)
  97. categora (category) (categorical) (organize) (categorize)
  98. causa (cause) (reason)
  99. causia (cautious) (caution)
  100. cela (cell) (component)
  101. celera (celerity) (speed) (quickness) (rapidity)
  102. celestia (star)
  103. cemia
    • cemia (chemistry)
    • cemiade (chemical)
  104. centra (center) (core)
  105. cera
    • cera (brain) (mind) (mastermind) (leader) (to lead) (to head) (head)
    • cerar/cerata (think tank) (thinker) (leader)
    • ceratylsepa (philosophy)
  106. ceremonia
    • ceremonia (ceremony) (procession)
    • ceremoniar/ceremoniata (ceremoniat) - def. one who leads a ceremony
  107. cerulea (blue)
  108. charma
    • charma (charm)
    • charmar/charmara (one who casts charms)
  109. charmasa (charmase) - def. enchantment used to 'compile' spellscripts
  110. checa (check) (checkpoint)
  111. chrona (time) (timing) (unit of time)
  112. cina (red)
  113. circa (circle) (encircle)
  114. cita (excited) (excitement)
  115. citada (citadel) (fortress) (palace)
  116. civa
    • civa (civil) (civilness)
    • civata (civilian)
  117. clara
    • clara (clear) (transparent) (see-through) (simple)
    • claranai (opaque) (muddy) (hard to see) (obscure)
  118. colora (color) (colored) (tainted) (biased)
  119. coma (eats) (eaten) (to eat) (consume) (to take in) (food) (foodstuffs)
  120. comandia (command) (commander)
  121. comphorta (comfort)
  122. composita (composite) (alloy) (combination)
  123. comia (feed) (to feed)
  124. compa (similarity) (similar) (to be like)
  125. compra (comprehend) (understand)
  126. comuna (common) (community)
  127. comunia (commune) (communicate) (communication)
  128. conphunda (confuse) (confound)
  129. constituta (constitute) (constitution)
  130. contenta (content (emotion))
  131. continua (continue) (continuous) (nonstop) (forward)
  132. contra (counter) (against) (opposite) (war) (clash) (engagement) (tournament)
  133. corna (horn)
  134. corona (heart) (feeling) (center)
  135. corpa
    • corpa (body) (entirety) (whole) (wholeness) (complete) (audience) (completion)
    • corpylsepa (autopsy) (biopsy)
  136. corpia ((army) corps) (staff)
  137. corta (cut) (short) (shorten)
  138. cova
    • cova (cover) (hide) (cloak) (hideout)
    • covae (to cover) (to hide) (to cloak)
    • covaenai (to uncover)
    • covanai (uncovered) (unhidden)
  139. crea
    • crea (creation) (created) (to create) (to make) (making)
    • creae (to create) (to make) - oft used as first word in basic spells eg. 'creae darta' = 'create dart'
    • crear/creara (maker) (founder)
  140. crusta (crust) (shell) (envelope) (covering)
  141. cuanta (quantity) (amount)
  142. cuesta (quest)
  143. cueya (neck) (bottleneck) (chokepoint) (convergence) (converging point)
  144. cubra
    • cubra (finding) (discovery)
    • cubrae (to find) (to discover)
  145. cuia (town) (city) (settlement)
  146. cuida (care) (careful) (warning) (alert) (alarm)
  147. cula
    • cula (culling) (calling) (summoning) (call)
    • culata (summoner)
  148. curiosa (curious) (wondrous) (wondering)
  149. curva (curve) (bend) (turn)
  150. cusina (cousin)
  151. da
    • da (be) (am) (is) (are) (equals) -but not (exists, balanced with)
    • dae (to be)
    • dade (is of)
    • dadae (can be) (possible) (maybe) (may be) (might be)
    • dayn/dain (being)
  152. daea (group)
  153. daria (wit) (intelligence) (intelligent) (smart) (brilliant) (wise)
  154. dariata (intellectual)
  155. darta (dart) (bolt) (shot) (hit) (arrow)
  156. dartiata
    • dartia (snipe) (hunt)
    • dartiar/dartiara (hunter) (shooter) (marksman) (sniper)
  157. data (information) (data)
  158. deca (ten) (unit of time) (decade)
  159. deia
    • deia (deity) (god)
    • deiylsepa (theology) (religion)
    • deiar (worshipper) (monk)
    • deiara (worshipper) (nun)
  160. delia
    • delia (delimiter) (constraint) (requirement) (limitation) (limit)
    • delianaide (unlimited) (unbound) (free) (unconstrained)
    • delianaidae' (limitless)
  161. deliria (delirious)
  162. delta
    • delta (change) (changing) (altering) (alternation)
    • deltade (changed) (altered)
    • deltadae (changeable) (alterable)
    • deltylsepa (physics) (kinetics)
    • deltara/deltara (alterer) (catalyst) (tinkerer)
  163. derea (right side)
  164. deriva (derive) (derivative)
  165. derivaea (derivae) - def. consumer-type faera
  166. derma (skin) (surface) (superficial) (wrap) (wrapper)
  167. determina (determine)(to set)(decide)
  168. developa (develop) (development)
  169. dia (day) (unit of time)
  170. dica (say) (speak) (talk) (chat) (conversation) (discussion) (tell)
  171. diea (diet) (day)
  172. digita (finger)
  173. dinama (dynamic) (active) (dynamism)
  174. diserta (desert)
  175. discipa (student) (disciple)
  176. dista (distance) (length) (lengthen)
  177. doctora (doctoring) (doctor) (doctored) (to doctor)
  178. dolia (doll)
  179. doma (house) (dwelling)
  180. domina (dominate) (dominion)
  181. dorsa (upper body) (dorsal)
  182. dresa (dress) (garment) (clothing) (vestment) (vest)
  183. ecusa (sorry) (excuse) (excuse (me, etc.)
  184. eca
    • eca (surroundings) (environment)
    • ecylsepa (ecology)
  185. educa
    • educa (teaching) (taught) (to teach)
    • educar/educara (teacher) (professor)
  186. electa
    • electa (selection) (elect) (selected) (election) (choice) (chosen)
    • electata (elector) (selector) (chooser)
  187. electra (shock)
  188. emotia (elicit emotion) (emote)
  189. ena (core, central) (to center upon) (within) (inside)
  190. encycla (encyclopedia) (reference)
  191. energia (energy)
  192. enha (angry)
  193. enoha (anger) (angry) (mad)
  194. entra (entrance) (entry)
  195. entropia (entropy)
  196. envia (envy) (jealousy)
  197. enua (bored)
  198. escuela (school)
  199. espa (wait)
  200. espera (hope)
  201. esperia (experience)
  202. esta (east)
  203. eta
    • eta (connection) (bind) (connect) (bond) (attachment)
    • etade (bonded) (connected) (attached)
    • etanaide (unbonded) (unconnected) (unattached)
    • etae (to bond) (to connect) (to attach)
    • etar (connector)
    • etayn/etain (connecting)
  204. etcetera (miscellaneous) (etc.) (etcetera) (other)
  205. etha
    • etha (aether) (ether) - def: solid mota anchored to gaseous matter
    • ethade (aetherial) (ethereal)
  206. ethica
    • ethica (ethical) (moral) (morality)
    • ethicylsepa (ethics)
  207. era (era) (period of time)
  208. eradica (eradicate) (remove) (obliterate)
  209. erba (herb) (weed)
  210. erora (error) (mistake) (problem)
  211. eutrisa (eutris) - def. preprogrammed spell for fast-casting
  212. eva (the coming) (to come)
  213. evanesa (a unit of time)
  214. exa (to excrete) (excretion) (remove from something) (to take out of)
  215. exata (janitor) (trash remover) (cleaner)
  216. extra (extra) (excess) (superfluous) (additional) (unnecessary) (added on)
  217. extracta (extract) (extractor)
  218. pha (please)
  219. phamilia (family)
  220. phanta (phantom) (ghost)
  221. phata (fate)
  222. phatia (death) (die)
  223. phila
    • phila (liked) (favored) (to like)
    • philar/philara (friend) (ally) (allied) (friendship)
  224. philia
    • philia (happy)
    • philianai (unhappy) (annoyed)
  225. phina
    • phina (final) (end) (ending) (finished) (complete)
    • phinadae (finite)
    • phinanaidae (infinite)
    • phinanai (unfinished) (incomplete) (in progress) (not done)
  226. phinia (fine) (refurbished) (refined) (refinery)
  227. phinita (finite)
  228. phirma (firmness)
  229. phlaca (skinny)
  230. phleta (fleet)
  231. phlora (floral) (flowery) (flower)
  232. phloresa
    • phloresa (floresis) - def. pattern of light that follows the ground a person stands on
    • phloresae (to cast floresis spell)
  233. phluora (floresce) (illuminate) (to light up) (fluorescent)
  234. phoa (enemy) (opposition) (rival) (nemesis)
  235. phoca (focused)
  236. phoenica (phoenix)
  237. phonia (phonics) (phone)
  238. phora (bear) (to bear) (to bring) (bearer) (harbinger) (carrier) (delivery) (deliverance)
  239. phorma (form) (appearance)
  240. phorsa (force) (pressure)
  241. phorta (fortification) (castle) (keep)
  242. phortua (fortitude) (tenacity)
  243. phosa (luck) (fortuitous) (lucky) (chance)
  244. phragra (fragment) (split) (break apart) (crack) (also, a unit of time)
  245. phrata (brother)
  246. phuchisa (orange)
  247. phuga (flee) (avoid)
  248. phugata (fugitive)
  249. ga
    • Note: appended at the end of a vowel to indicate past perfect tense, ie. 'taga' = 'have sung'
    • ga (deed) (done) (accomplished) int.: (happen) t.: (do) (did)
    • gara (worker) (laborer) (farm hand) (factory hand)
  250. gardena (garden) (park)
  251. gastra (stomach)
  252. geba (give) (gift) (present) (charity)
  253. gena (generation)
  254. genera (generate)
  255. generata (generator)
  256. globa (global) (globe) (world)
  257. gorda (fat)
  258. governa
    • governa (government) (governed)
    • governar/governara (governor) (ruler)
  259. granda (width)
  260. gracia (grace) (graceful)
  261. grata (free) (at no cost) (a given)
  262. graya (gray)
  263. gyna (female) (feminine) (womanly) (effeminate)
  264. ha
    • ha (have) (property) (possessions)
    • hade (owned) (possessed)
    • hae (to have)
    • haenai (to lose (something))
    • haenaiyn (loss)
    • hanai (lack)
    • hanaiae (to lack)
    • hanaiyn (lacking)
    • har/hara (holder) - eg. Hara = Holder(of a wand)
    • hayn/hain (possession) (having)
  265. hagala (hail)
  266. harbora (harbor) (dock) (port)
  267. hema (blood) (bloody) (incarnadine)
  268. hepta (seven)
  269. hetera (heterodox) (different) (heretical) (unorthodox) (unaccepted)
  270. hecsa (six) (hex)
  271. historia (chronicle) (history)
  272. homa (self) (own) (same) (human) (hominid) (humanity)
  273. honra (honor) (credit)
  274. ia (want) (desire) (lust)
  275. idea (idea) (concept) (conceptual) (ideal)
  276. identica (identical)
  277. idia (idiot) (retarded) (idiotic)
  278. ierea (left side)
  279. ignia
    • ignia (fire) (flame) (conflagration) (bonfire)
    • igniae (to ignite)
    • igniaenai (to extinguish)
  280. impala (impale) (jab) (stab)
  281. impera
    • impera (queen) (empress) (to rule)
    • imperar (king) (emperor)
    • imperara (queen) (empress)
  282. importa (important) (to mean) (pertain) (to import)
  283. inca (index)
  284. incinera (incinerate) (conflagrate) (destroy) (burn up)
  285. incra (increase) (increased) (to increase) (add)
  286. indiga (indigo)
  287. inphulia (influence)
  288. initia (start) (beginning) (initiation) (launch)
  289. instancia (instance) - as in an instance of magic
  290. instanta (immediately) (instantly)
  291. insula (insulated) (island) (insulation) (insulator)
  292. intea (smartness) (smart) (to be/act smart) (intelligence) (intelligent)
  293. isa (ice) (frost)
  294. isla (island)
  295. judica
    • judica (just (fair)) (righteous) (justice)
    • judicae (to judge)
    • judicanaide (unjust)
    • judicar/judicara (judge)
    • judicylsepa (study of interpreting the law)
  296. laea
    • laea (read) (textbook) (primer)
    • laeae (to read) (to peruse)
    • laeyn (reading)
  297. lacrima (sad) (lacrimose)
  298. laga (lake) (pool) (pond)
  299. lagrima (tear)
  300. lasa (lacerate) (cut) (scathe)
  301. lava (clean) (purge) (cleanse)
  302. lexa (legal) (law)
  303. legia (legal) (law) (to law) (legislator)
  304. legisla (legislative) (legislation) (to legislate)
  305. legita (legitimize) (allowed) (legitimate) (to allow)
  306. lenta
    • lenta (thinness)
    • lentanai (thickness) (wideness) (broadness)
    • lentade (thin)
    • lentanaide (thick) (wide) (broad)
  307. leta (let) (to allow)
  308. letha (death) (deadly) (lethal) (fatal)
  309. leva (raise) (rise) (rising) (ascension)
  310. levia (levitate) (float)
  311. lia (even) (not only... but also)
  312. libera (liberty) (free) (freedom) (emancipation)
  313. licua (liquid)
  314. ligera
    • ligera (weight)
    • ligerade (heavy)
    • ligeranaide (light - as in not heavy)
  315. limita (limit) (delimiter) (constraint) (limited)
  316. lingua (language) (speech)
  317. lista (list) (agenda) (schedule) (roster) (listing)
  318. litera (literary) (literature)
  319. loca (move) (shift) (alter)
  320. logia (think) (thinking)
  321. logica (logic) (logical) (reason) (sensible)
  322. loira
    • loira (imagination) (dream)
    • loiradae (imaginable) (dreamable)
    • loirade (imagined) (dreamed)
    • loirae (to imagine) (to dream)
    • loiranaidae (unimaginable) (undreamable) - eg. 'ae loiranaide' = 'unimaginable power'
    • loirar/loirara (dreamer) (visionary)
    • loiryn/loiran (dreaming) (imagining) - eg. Tel Loiryn = 'that of dreaming'
  323. lora (lore) (myth) (mythological) (legendary) (tale)
  324. lumia
    • lumia (to know) (knowledge)
    • lumiadae (knowable)
    • lumiade (known)
    • lumiae (to know)
    • lumianaidae (unknowable)
    • lumiar/lumiara (knower) (sage) (one who knows)
    • lumiyn/lumin (knowing) - eg. Tel Lumin = 'that of knowing'
  325. lumina
    • lumina (light) - eg. Tel Lumina = the sun, lit. 'that of light'
    • luminade (illuminated) (brightened)
    • luminae (to shine) (to illuminate) (to brighten)
    • luminar/luminara (illuminator) (brightener)
    • luminyn/luminin (shining) (illumination)
  326. luna (moon) (lunar)
  327. lupa (wolf)
  328. lura (lure) (attract) (bait)
  329. luria (seduct) (seducer) (femme fatale) (succubus) (incubus)
  330. lustra (lustery)
  331. ma (ability) (capability) (can) (could) (to be able to)
  332. macina (machine) (mechanical)
  333. macra (big) (large) (giant)
  334. maxima (maximum) (maxima)
  335. maestia (majestic) (wondrous) (majesty) (great) (greatness)
  336. maestra
    • maestra (master) (mastery) (mastered) (to master)
    • maestrar (governor)
    • maestrara (governess)
  337. magia
    • magia (magic)
    • magiade (magical)
    • magianaide (nonmagical) (mundane)
    • magiae (to mage) - def. to do magic
    • magiar/magiara (mage) - def. one who mages
    • magiylsepa (study of magic)
  338. magma (magma)
  339. magna (magnitude) (size) (amount)
  340. mama (mother)
  341. mana (hand (physical and figurative)) (handle (v.))
  342. mara (sea) (marine) (maritime) (naval) - used as a title of a body of water eg. 'Mara Aegis'
  343. marca (marker) (tag)
  344. margina (margin) (marginal)
  345. mata (matter)
  346. materia (material)
  347. meca (mechanical) (automaton)
  348. media (middle)
  349. megea (massive) (many) (million) (colossal) (colossus)
  350. melia (better)
  351. merca
    • merca (economy) (trade) (merchanting)
    • mercar/mercara (merchant) (trader)
    • mercylsepa (economics)
  352. meria (conjoin) (combine) (join) (marriage) (conjunction) (connection)
  353. merita (merit) (meritocracy)
  354. meta (measure) (measurement) (standard) (scale)
  355. metha (one)
  356. micra (small) (little)
  357. migra (migrate) (move)
  358. milenia (unit of time)
  359. milita (military)
  360. minora (minor)
  361. minuta (a unit of time) (minute) (small)
  362. mira (watch)
  363. moia (molecule)
  364. moieta (functional group) (compound)
  365. molesta (molest) (irritate) (annoy)
  366. momenta (a unit of time) (moment)
  367. montana (mountain)
  368. mora (delay) (stop) (hold) (moratorium)
  369. morana (brown)
  370. na (to need) (needs)
  371. naisa (birth) (born)
  372. narisa (nose)
  373. nega (negate) (invert) (reverse) (negation)
  374. negotia (negotiate) (negotiation) (ambassador)
  375. negra (black)
  376. neva (rain)
  377. nevela (raindrop)
  378. necsa (nexus) (core) (center) (meetingplace)
  379. niesara (niece) (nephew)
  380. nihila (nihil) (nihilism)
  381. niva (snow)
  382. nivela (snowflake)
  383. nocea (to harm) (harmful) (injury) (injure)
  384. nocha (night)
  385. nomena (nominal) (nomenclature) (name)
  386. nona (nine)
  387. norma (normal) (ordinary) (average)
  388. norta (north) (northern)
  389. nuba (cloud)
  390. numera (number) (counting)
  391. nursa (to care for) (nurse) (to nurse) (nursing)
  392. oblitera (obliterate) (destroy) (eliminate)
  393. objecta (thing) (object)
  394. observa (observe) (detect)
  395. obtaena (obtain) (revenue) (obtainment)
  396. octa (eight)
  397. oesta (west)
  398. ophicia (office) (official)
  399. ophta (often)
  400. oida (ear)
  401. oja (eye)
  402. opera (operate) (operation)
  403. operata (operator) (operant)
  404. opreria (opera)
  405. optima (optimal) (best)
  406. ordera (order)
  407. oria (oracle) (seer)
  408. orcestra (orchestra) (orchestrated) (organized) (planned out) (done together)
  409. ordina (ordinal) (ordered)
  410. organa (organic) (organ)
  411. organia (organism)
  412. ortha
    • ortha (orthodox) (approved)
    • orthae (to approve)
    • orthaenai (to disapprove)
    • orthanai (unapproved)
  413. otra (other) (stranger) (alien) (outlier)
  414. pa (to mean) (meaning) (meaningful)
  415. patienta
    • pacienta (patient)
    • pacientanai (impatient) (eager)
  416. paia (nation) (state)
  417. palabra (word)
  418. papa (father)
  419. parela (parallel) (parallelogram)
  420. paresa (appearing to be) (mirage?) (to appear as such)
  421. parienta (parents)
  422. parta (partial) (parts) (component)
  423. pasiona (passion) (impassioned)
  424. patha (road) (way) (path) (hallway)
  425. pacsa (calm)
  426. pela (hair)
  427. pensa (thought) (think)
  428. penta (five)
  429. pera (but)
  430. peria (surrounding) (perimeter)
  431. perioda (periodic)
  432. persona (person)
  433. personia (people)
  434. peta (point) (direct)
  435. placa
    • placa (tranquil) (peaceful) (at ease) (unworried)
    • placanai (unplacated) (worried) (shocked) (anxious)
  436. placera (pleased)
  437. plasa (plaza) (meeting place) (forum)
  438. poda (foot)
  439. poda (to move) (movement)
  440. polara (to polarize)
  441. politica (political) (politics)
  442. porta (travel) (voyage) (journey)
  443. posibla
    • posibla (possible) (probable)
    • posiblanai (impossible)
  444. posita (place) (placement) (position) (location)
  445. pota (power) (potency) (potential)
  446. prairia (prairie)
  447. precia
    • precia (price) (precious) (value)
    • preciau (invaluable) (priceless)
    • precianaiu (valueless) (worthless)
  448. prempta (preempt) (instigate)
  449. premia (reward) (punishment)
  450. preposita (preposition)
  451. principia (principle) (rule) (law) (basics) (foundation) (principal)
  452. probia (probe) (discover) (seek) (sting operation)
  453. problema (problem)
  454. programa (program) (programming)
  455. propa (three)
  456. protega
    • protega (protect) (protection) (guardian)
    • protegae (to protect) - def. protection/aegis spell
    • proteganai (unprotected) (unguarded) (exposed)
  457. prova (proof)(proven)(to prove)
  458. provoca (pro-word) (pro-vocabulary) (pronoun) (proverb)
  459. psicha (psyche) (psychic)
  460. psichylsepa (psychology)
  461. punta (.)
  462. pura (pure) (purified) (purine)
  463. raya (ray) (beam) (stream) (line)
  464. raiva (raging)
  465. rapida
    • rapida (rapid) (fast) (quick)
    • rapidanai (slow) (slothful)
  466. re
    • re (repeat) (redo)
    • relaea (reread)
    • revea(review)
    • repensa (rethink)
  467. reala (real)
  468. regia
    • regia (kingdom) (empire) (royalty)
    • regiade (imperial) (royal)
    • regiae (to rule) - lit. 'to king'
    • regiar/regiara (ruler)
    • regiar (king)
    • regiara (queen)
  469. regina
    • regina (regent)
    • reginar (prince)
    • reginara (princess)
  470. regla (unit) (standard) (ruler)
  471. rela (relations) (relationship) (related) (relative)
  472. rephugia (refuge) (asylum)
  473. resepta (receptacle) (receptor) (reception)
  474. resista (resistance) (endurance)
  475. resolva (resolution)
  476. resulta (result) (consequence)
  477. retria (retribution) (vengeance)
  478. revisa (revision) (revisionist) (revise) (edit)
  479. ria (river)
  480. roma (roaming)
  481. romantica (romantic) (romance)
  482. rula
    • rula (rule) (control)
    • rulae (to rule)
    • rulanaide (unruly) (disobedient) (uncontrolled)
  483. rulia
    • rulia (edict) (legislation) (degree)
    • ruliae (to promulgate) (to legislate) (to decree)
  484. sa (be) (am) (is) (are) (equals) -but not (exists, balanced with)
  485. safra (yellow)
  486. sara (sash)
  487. scenta (scent) (odor) (smell) (fragrance)
  488. scinta (scintillating)
  489. scirta (skirt)
  490. scripta (script)
  491. sea
    • sea (birth) (procreation)
    • seae (to give birth to) (to procreate)
    • sear (son)
    • seara (daughter)
  492. seasona (season) (unit of time)
  493. secta (section) (sector) (area) (portion)
  494. secua (sequence) (following) (sequential)
  495. secura
    • secura (sure) (safe)
    • securanai (doubtful) (unsure) (unsecured)
  496. securia (secure) (security)
  497. sedimenta (sediment) (rock) (stone)
  498. seisma (earthquake)
  499. selecta (selection)
  500. selva (self)
  501. sema (half) (partial)
  502. senergia (senergy) - def. sum of energies and entropies in Asset and Tessa
  503. sentropia (sentropy) - def. sum of entropies in Asset and Tessa
  504. sensa (sensation)
  505. sentena (unit of time)
  506. sepa (study) (study of)
    • Appended at the end of a noun for the name of a field of research, lit. 'the study of'
  507. seria (series) (serial)
  508. sphera (sphere) (spherical)
  509. sica
    • sica (psych-) (psychology) (psychological) (psychic)
    • sicanai (insane) (mental) (demented)
  510. simpa (just) (simple) (simply) (only - in the 'just' sense)
  511. slotha (slow) (sluggish) (sloth) (lethargic)
  512. socia (society) (social)
  513. sola (only) (just (only)) (solo) (alone) (to solo)
  514. solia (solid) (solidify)
  515. sona
    • sona (sound)
    • sonanai (soundless) (voiceless) (mute)
  516. sora (sky)
  517. sorora (sister) (sorority)
  518. spasia (space) (room) (chamber)
  519. spela
    • spela (spell) - def. a type, use or instance of magic
    • 'spelar/spelara (spellcaster) - def. one who casts spells
  520. sta
    • sta (same) (unchanging) (static)
    • stanai (not the same) (different) (difference)
  521. stata (state) (situation) (position) (point) (site) (locale) (location)
  522. statia (to remain) (to stay) (to last) (lasting) (remainder) (remaining) (last)
  523. stola (stole)
  524. stora (storage) (stores) (stash)
  525. stresa (strength) (stress)
  526. stricta (constrict)
  527. suba (to be under)
  528. subia
    • subia (servitude)
    • subiar/subiara(servant)
  529. supa (over (on top of)) (to exceed) (to be over)
  530. supera
    • supera (supercede)
    • superae (to supercede)
    • superavea (to supervise)
    • superavear/superaveara (supervisor)
  531. superia (superior) (head) (leader) (to lead)
  532. surta (south)
  533. ta
    • ta (take) (takings)
    • tade (taken)
    • tae (to take)
    • tar/tara (taker)
    • tayn/tain (taking)
  534. talia (talon) (claw) (grasp)
  535. taverna (tavern) (inn) (motel) (hotel)
  536. tea
    • tea (keep) - common fort/hold name (eg. Tea Cairion, Tea Valeron)
    • teade (kept)
    • teae (to keep)
    • tear/teara (keeper) - eg. Teara = Keeper (member of the Order)
    • teayn/tean (keeping)
  537. teala (teal)
  538. tel
    • tel (of) (to be of) (eg. Tel Loiryn = 'that of dreaming')
    • tela (avatar) (champion) (representative (adj))
    • telade (represented) (personified)
    • telanaide (unrepresented)
    • telae (to champion) (to represent)
    • telar (representative (n))
    • telyn (representing)
  539. tempesta (storm)
  540. templa (template) (copy) (basis)
  541. tempora (temporary) (also, a unit of time)
  542. tena (toughness)
  543. tensa (tensed)
  544. tera (locational) (place) (of place) (to be of this place)
  545. tesa (Tessa) - def. dark matter plane
  546. tesaea (tessae) - def. producer-type faera
  547. thora (obstacle) (giant)
  548. thrusta (thrust) (lurch)
  549. tina (uncle) (aunt)
  550. tipica
    • tipica (typical) (standard) (ordinary) (not special) (usual)
    • tipicanai (unordinary) (special) (not typical) (unusual)
  551. tira (jewelry) (gemstone)
  552. titha (unit of time)
  553. tota (all) (total) (to total) (every)
  554. traba (work, job)
  555. traca (track)
  556. transa (translucent)
  557. transmita (transmission) (transmit)
  558. tria (trial) (test)
  559. triada (triangle)
  560. trima (trim) (trimming)
  561. tureta (turret) (tower)
  562. tyl
    • tyl (with) - common first name (eg. Tyl Aria = blessed with melody; song-blessed)
    • tyla (boon) (blessing)
    • tylade (blessed) (blessed with)
    • tylar/tylara (blesser)
    • tylyn/tylan (blessing)
  563. tylia
    • tylia (spouse)
    • tyliae (to marry)
    • tyliar (husband)
    • tyliara (wife)
  564. una (a, an, one) (the one) (to be the one) -not for numbers other than 1
  565. unanima (unanimous) (completely)
  566. undina (undine)
  567. unia (together) (linked) (to be together) (united)
  568. unica (only) (unique)
  569. utila (utility)
  570. va ((of) the going) (to go) (gone) (went) (come) (walk)
  571. vapora (vapor) (gas)
  572. vara (variable)
  573. varia (variation) (variety) (variance)
  574. vea
    • vea (see) (view) (look)
    • veanai (unseeing) (blind)
  575. vecta (vector) (carrier)
  576. veina (vein)
  577. venta (lower body)
  578. venua (venue) (avenue) (path)
  579. verda (truth) (true, correct (not morally)) (to be true)
  580. veria (trust) (belief) (believe)
  581. vesta (vest) (vestment) (garment)
  582. victa
    • victa (victory) (success)
    • victanai (defeat) (failure)
  583. viola (violet)
  584. viridia (green) (environmentally friendly)
  585. visa (passage) (right to pass) (passport) (visa) (key)
  586. visita (visit) (travel)
  587. vista
    • vista (sight) (sighted, spotted) (to sight, to spot)
    • vistade (visible)
    • vistanaide (invisible)
  588. viva (vivacious) (energetic)
  589. vita
    • vita (vitality) (life) (living)
    • vitae (to live)
    • vitar (the living) (one who lives)
    • vityn/vitin (living) - eg. Tel Vityn = 'that of living'
  590. voca (vocabulary) (words)
  591. volta (eletricity) (electrically) (electrified) (to electricute) (to electrify)
  592. vudua (voodoo)
  593. wispa (wisp) (speckle) (flicker)
  594. wondria (wonder) (perfection) (grace)
  595. zoa (animal) (creature) (zoo)
  596. zombia (zombie)
  597. zona (zone)

Misc Phrases[]

  1. chronylviva (lifetime)
  2. adianai (retreat) (withdrawal)
  3. desena (middle portion, not-core, median)
  4. desgrata (thanks) - not exactly an opposite
  5. ta corona (to have heart) (courageous) (to have courage) (lenient) (good) (nice)
  6. ti desena (surrounding time) (at about that time)
  7. ti la (now) (at this time)
  8. ti le (then - (at that time))
  9. to desena (environment) (environ) (surrounding)
  10. to la (here) (at this place)
  11. to le (there) (at that time)
  12. va acta (run) (rush) (brisk walk)